Advanced NDT Limited offer a wide range of (NDT) Non Destructive Testing Products used for Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI), Leak Testing, Coating Thickness Checking, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging and measurements, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, Bond Testing and more - suppliers of Optimum NDT Solutions at cost effective prices.
Products & specifications subject to change without notice.                            E. & O.E.
Advanced NDT Limited Unit 4, Elgar Business Centre Moseley Road Hallow, Worcester WR2 6NJ, UK TEL: 44 (0) 1905 371 460
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges - Advanced NDT
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges allowing you to measure from one side only, ideal for many material wall thickness testing applications. From Simple Fixed Velocity Ultrasonic Thickness Testers to High Speed On-line Precision Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging
Coating Thickness Gauges - Advanced NDT Ltd
Coating thickness or as it is sometimes otherwise referred as Dry film thickness (DFT) is probably the most important measurement that is made when applying and inspecting protective coatings. Coatings are designed to perform their intended function when applied within a tight DFT range as specified by the manufacturer. Correct thickness guarantees the highest product performance.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors - From Easy-to-Use, Hand-held Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors to ultra high performance Phased Array Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors for many Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Applications including crack detection, weld inspection, defect sizing and more.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors - Advanced NDT Ltd
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors with Full Imaging capabilities. See what lurks beneath the surface of your materials with Portable Imaging Systems such as the ISonic 3505 or the Raptor Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors with built-in Imaging. Also Introducing the BondHub our all new Imaging Bond Tester.
Portable Imaging Systems - Advanced NDT Ltd
A Range Of Bond Testers including the BondaScope 3100 Tri-mode Bond Tester, The BondHub - Imaging Bond Tester & The Curlin Air - Non Contact, Air coupled Ultrasonic Flaw Detector & Bond Tester. Advanced NDT Limited provides the most capable bond testers in the market for composite inspection on sandwich construction, laminates, multi-layered bonded structures, adhesively bonded fittings, highly attenuating materials and any construction that needs a high penetrating power.
Bond Testers - Advanced NDT Ltd
Ultraviolet Lights / Lamps & UV LED Blacklight Torches / Flashlights - For many applications including: Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) such as Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Dye Penetrant Testing (DPI), Leak Testing, Purity Control, DNA Based Tracer Liquids (e.g. SmartWaterTM Detection), Sanitation, Crime Scene Investigation, Forensic work, Hotel Inspections, Art verification and restoration and many many many more
Founded in 1993, ADVANCED NDT LTD, is an established supplier of Non Destructive Testing equipment to most leading UK companies. We pride ourselves on offering customers the ‘OPTIMUM NDT SOLUTION’ to suit their requirements and testing application at COST-EFFECTIVE PRICE!  We supply leaders in most types of industry, including Power Generation, Petrochemical plants, Automotive, Aerospace and the MOD, where applications include precision thickness gauging from one side only, corrosion surveys including through paint measurement, flaw detection in forgings and castings and bond testing of composite structures. Our range of Ultraviolet Lights has an even wider customer base. The above industries use the UV Lights for NDT defect detection using Magnetic Particle Inspection and Dye Penetrant Inspection. The performance of these lights however, has led to new applications for leak detection in automotive engines, sanitation, art restoration, forensic work at crime scenes and the monitoring of cleaning processes in food manufacturing plants etc. Whilst predominantly trading in the UK, we have a thriving export business all over the world. Advanced NDT Ltd work closely with a number of different suppliers from several countries to ensure that we can offer the best N.D.T. solution for each individual customer.
High Performance UV LED Lights, UV LED Torches and UV MPXL Lights from the world renowned manufacturer “Labino”. Designed to meet various industry standards including Airbus ASTM E3022-18 & RRES 90061. Extremely robust and portable some are even waterproof and explosion proof!  Digital Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges including miniature Thickness Testers for basic applications, General Purpose Thickness Gauges, Precision Gauges and even high speed high precision On-Line Gauges. From manufacturers such as Dakota Ultrasonics, SIUI, NDT Systems Inc and CorDEX.   A vast selection of Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors including extremely compact wrist mounted instruments for tough applications such as rope access work, high performance Flaw Detectors with full C-Scan imaging capabilities built-in, Combination devices with both Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge and Ultrasonic Flaw Detector in one unit and Phased Array instruments. From Manufacturers such as NDT Systems Inc, Sonotron NDT, SIUI, Dakota Ultrasonics and Socomate. Advanced NDT Limited also offer Ultrasonic Bond Testers from NDT Systems, Coating Thickness Gauges from Defelsko, Ultrasonic Transducers / probes and test blocks from a variety of manufacturers, Labino ALS lights / torches for use in forensic applications and fully automated Ultrasonic Testing Systems / immersion tanks from ScanMaster.
UV Lights - Advanced NDT Ltd BUYON-LINE
Advanced NDT Limited offer a wide range of (NDT) Non Destructive Testing Products used for Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI), Leak Testing, Coating Thickness Checking, Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging and measurements, Ultrasonic Flaw Detection, Bond Testing and more - suppliers of Optimum NDT Solutions at cost effective prices.
Products & specifications subject to change without notice.                            E. & O.E.
Advanced NDT Limited Unit 4, Elgar Business Centre Moseley Road Hallow, Worcester WR2 6NJ, UK TEL: 44 (0) 1905 371 460
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges - Advanced NDT Ltd
Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges allowing you to measure from one side only, ideal for many material wall thickness testing applications. From Simple Fixed Velocity Ultrasonic Thickness Testers to High Speed On-line Precision Ultrasonic Thickness Gauging
Coating Thickness Gauges - Advanced NDT Ltd
Coating thickness or as it is sometimes otherwise referred as Dry film thickness (DFT) is probably the most important measurement that is made when applying and inspecting protective coatings. Coatings are designed to perform their intended function when applied within a tight DFT range as specified by the manufacturer. Correct thickness guarantees the highest product performance.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors - From Easy-to-Use, Hand- held Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors to ultra high performance Phased Array Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors for many Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Applications including crack detection, weld inspection, defect sizing and more.
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors - Advanced NDT Ltd
Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors with Full Imaging capabilities. See what lurks beneath the surface of your materials with Portable Imaging Systems such as the ISonic 3505 or the Raptor Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors with built-in Imaging. Also Introducing the BondHub our all new Imaging Bond Tester.
Portable Imaging Systems - Advanced NDT Ltd
A Range Of Bond Testers including the BondaScope 3100 Tri-mode Bond Tester, The BondHub - Imaging Bond Tester & The Curlin Air - Non Contact, Air coupled Ultrasonic Flaw Detector & Bond Tester. Advanced NDT Limited provides the most capable bond testers in the market for composite inspection on sandwich construction, laminates, multi-layered bonded structures, adhesively bonded fittings, highly attenuating materials and any construction that needs a high penetrating power.
Bond Testers - Advanced NDT Ltd
Ultraviolet Lights / Lamps & UV LED Blacklight Torches / Flashlights - For many applications including: Non- Destructive Testing (NDT) such as Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) and Dye Penetrant Testing (DPI), Leak Testing, Purity Control, DNA Based Tracer Liquids (e.g. SmartWaterTM Detection), Sanitation, Crime Scene Investigation, Forensic work, Hotel Inspections, Art verification and restoration and many many many more
UV Lights - Advanced NDT Ltd
Founded in 1993, ADVANCED NDT LTD, is an established supplier of Non Destructive Testing equipment to most leading UK companies. We pride ourselves on offering customers the ‘OPTIMUM NDT SOLUTION to suit their requirements and testing application at COST-EFFECTIVE PRICE!  We supply leaders in most types of industry, including Power Generation, Petrochemical plants, Automotive, Aerospace and the MOD, where applications include precision thickness gauging from one side only, corrosion surveys including through paint measurement, flaw detection in forgings and castings and bond testing of composite structures. Our range of Ultraviolet Lights has an even wider customer base. The above industries use the UV Lights for NDT defect detection using Magnetic Particle Inspection and Dye Penetrant Inspection. The performance of these lights however, has led to new applications for leak detection in automotive engines, sanitation, art restoration, forensic work at crime scenes and the monitoring of cleaning processes in food manufacturing plants etc. Whilst predominantly trading in the UK, we have a thriving export business all over the world. Advanced NDT Ltd work closely with a number of different suppliers from several countries to ensure that we can offer the best N.D.T. solution for each individual customer.
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High Performance UV LED Lights, UV LED Torches and UV MPXL Lights from the world renowned manufacturer “Labino”. Designed to meet various industry standards including Airbus ASTM E3022-18 & RRES 90061. Extremely robust and portable some are even waterproof and explosion proof!  Digital Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges including miniature Thickness Testers for basic applications, General Purpose Thickness Gauges, Precision Gauges and even high speed high precision On-Line Gauges. From manufacturers such as Dakota Ultrasonics, SIUI, NDT Systems Inc and CorDEX. A vast selection of Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors including extremely compact wrist mounted instruments for tough applications such as rope access work, high performance Flaw Detectors with full C-Scan imaging capabilities built-in, Combination devices with both Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge and Ultrasonic Flaw Detector in one unit and Phased Array instruments. From Manufacturers such as NDT Systems Inc, Sonotron NDT, SIUI, Dakota Ultrasonics and Socomate. Advanced NDT Limited also offer Ultrasonic Bond Testers from NDT Systems, Coating Thickness Gauges from Defelsko, Ultrasonic Transducers / probes and test blocks from a variety of manufacturers, Labino ALS lights / torches for use in forensic applications and fully automated Ultrasonic Testing Systems / immersion tanks from ScanMaster.
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